Inhalt: Are you struggling with writer's block? Staring at a blank page while deadlines go rushing by? Jessica Brody is a professional writer and the author of over 17 books from respected publishers such as Simon & Schuster and Random House. After years of suffering, Jessica developed a series of techniques and mindset shifts that not only reduced but completely eradicated her writer's block. In this course she shares them with you. Jessica explains what writer's block actually is and introduces lifestyle changes to remove it from your life entirely. Discover the power of meditation and bullet points, when to buckle down and when to take a break, and why you need a new location. The lessons can be applied to any kind of writing-and any writer that wants to be more prolific and inspired. Umfang: 02:02:06.00
Inhalt: Mary Kole (character guru, literary agent, and freelance editor) works with bestselling author Jessica Brody to produce this course on how to create fully fleshed-out, dynamic characters and reveal them in a way that captures the reader's attention and heart. Mary introduces the concept of "interiority"-the character's inner life. She teaches you seven tools to instantly engage your readers. For each tool, she includes a practice exercise and an "instructor jam" showing how she and Jessica completed the exercise. Next, Mary shows you the four key foundations of a dynamic character. As with the tools, she includes a practice exercise and an "instructor jam" for each foundation. Mary describes the importance of secondary characters, including antagonists, and explains how to create characters who grow and change over the course of the story. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, this course is sure to take your character development skills to the next level. Umfang: 05:18:58
Inhalt: Learn how to create high-concept ideas that attract the attention of buyers in just one sentence. Discover five proven brainstorming methods and identify four must-have ingredients to create story ideas that will sell. Author Jessica Brody helps you pull it all together to generate ideas that capture the interest of publishers, agents, and producers. Exercises along the way help you apply what you've learned and get your creative juices flowing. Umfang: 01:30:29.00
Inhalt: 40 Prozent aller Männer betrügen ihre Frauen Treue ist für Jennifer das Allerwichtigste. Um treulose Ehemänner zu überführen, hat sie eine Treuetest-Agentur gegründet. Ihre Dienste sind so gefragt, dass sie mehrere Angestellte beschäftigt, um die Männer anderer Frauen auf die Probe zu stellen. Privat schwebt Jennifer im siebten Himmel, denn Traummann Jamie hat ihr einen Heiratsantrag gemacht. Doch kann sie sich als professionelle Treuetesterin an ihre eigenen strengen Prinzipien halten? Schlagworte:FQ Zeitgenössische Lifestyle-Literatur, FYT Belletristik in Übersetzung Umfang: 332 S. ISBN: 978-3-641-04902-7
Inhalt: Learn how to improve your focus, your schedule, your space, and even your brain so that each day you write more-and write better. Author Jessica Brody helps you get the most out of every writing day, by concentrating on the three pillar of productivity: your mindset, your environment, and your tools. Discover how to eliminate distractions, reduce stress, and set up routines that enforce creativity and productivity. With these 21 hacks, you can increase your word count and finish the writing project-book, blog, article, screenplay, or essay-you've been procrastinating on. Umfang: 02:39:28.00
Inhalt: You've written a book and you're excited to get it into readers' hands. Selling your novel to a major publisher is one of the best ways to get your novel in front of audience. This course is an insider's guide that can help you pitch your book to agents and editors. Jessica Brody-author of the Unremembered series and a dozen other novels-provides tips on finding agents, selling your book to multiple non-US markets, writing great query letters, and understanding the terms of your first contract. Umfang: 05:20:32.00
Inhalt: Creative writing enthusiasts of all stripes-from accomplished novelists to novices struggling with their first screenplay-could benefit from a review of the basics. In this course, Jessica Brody and Joanne Rendell dive into each of the key ingredients that make up great fiction, sharing tips that can help you conceive and write compelling novels, memoirs, short stories, or screenplays. Learn how to develop compelling characters, write sparkling dialogue, and decide on the right point of view for your tale. Plus, learn how to build memorable settings and turn story skeletons into rich, compelling plots. Umfang: 05:55:58.00
Inhalt: There's a secret storytelling code at the heart of almost all great novels. In this course, author Jessica Brody lays out the 15 essential beats, or plot points, that make readers want to keep turning the page. Filled with tips on plot and story structure, this course is based on Blake Snyder's famous "Save the Cat!" plotting method. Upon wrapping up the course, you'll have the tools you need to create a complete road map to your novel. Umfang: 03:30:10.00
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